Norwegians Worldwide (formerly the Norse Federation)
Our Contact at the Norse Federation is Hanne Aaberg, Secretary General. She and her colleagues at NWW are the gracious hosts for the GTPP Laureate each year, welcoming the Laureate, providing information and guidance, and assisting with preparation of the Laureate’s schedule of visits and meetings.

Hanne Aaberg, Secretary General of NWW
The Norwegian Nobel Institute (Det Norske Nobelinstitutt)

Many of our GTPP laureates have had the honor of being invited to the Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony. One of our contacts at the Nobel Institute is Dag Kühle-Gotovac, Head of Administration, who guides our GTPP laureates on a tour of the Institute.
Bjørknes College (Bjørknes Høyskole)
Bjørknes College is the only institution of higher learning in Norway that offers a Bachelor of Arts degree in conflict resolution. Each GTPP laureate visits the College to give a lecture or lead a discussion group about peace work. Norwegian and American students (on study-away from Pacific Lutheran University) and faculty are invited to participate. Our primary contact at Bjørknes College is Torstein Dale-Åkerlund, Academic Coordinator for Peace and Conflict Studies.
The Nansen Center for Peace and Dialogue (Nansen Fredssenter)
Lillehammer, Norway

A train trip to Lillehammer, Norway, is another event on the schedule for GTPP laureates. There, they meet with Steinar Bryn, Senior Advisor, who is our contact and guide at the Nansen Center.
The Oslo Center for Peace and Human Rights (Oslosenteret for fred og menneskerettigheter)
The laureate’s schedule includes a meeting with Kjell Magne Bondevik (former Prime Minister of Norway), who is the founder and president of the Oslo Center. Our contacts there are Executive Director Tore Torstad and Espen Skran, Advisor/Project Coordinator.
The Peace Research Institute of Oslo (PRIO)
Our contacts at PRIO, a leading peace research institute, are Director Henrik Urdal and Halvor Berggrav, Advisor to the Director. GTPP laureates meet with the Director to discuss how people are impacted by, and cope with, armed conflict.
The Nobel Peace Center (Nobels Fredssenteret)
The Nobel Peace Center is the museum associated with the Nobel Peace Prize. Its permanent installations tell the story of Alfred Nobel and the Peace Prize laureates. GTPP laureates are given a guided tour of the Center by one of our contacts, Executive Director Liv Torres or Information Advisor Kirsti Svenning.
The Center for Studies of Holocaust and Religious Minorities (HL senteret)
Also located in Oslo, the HL Center is another point of interest for GTPP laureates. It is a research, education and documentation center focusing on the Holocaust, other genocides, and the situation of minorities in contemporary societies. Director Georg Broch serves as the guide. He has been a good friend and partner to the GTPP since 2006, when he was Secretary General of the Norse Federation.