Upcoming Film Screenings of Interest

Film #1 – The Scandinavian Cultural Center Council at PLU presents the U.S. premiere screening of the award-winning Norwegian documentary ‘Being Ola’. (1 hour, 15 minutes – in Norwegian, with English sub-titles)
Sunday, September 29, 3:00 PM
In the Scandinavian Cultural Center at PLU (no admission fee) – reception following
Meet the Director! Ragnhild Nøst Bergem will be here from Norway to introduce the film!
“Being Ola” is an endearing portrait of an exceptional young man who puts his heart into striving for equality, acceptance, and independence. Ola is a 30-year-old man who lives in a small village in Norway with a very diverse group of people. Ola generally enjoys his life and is an engaged, witty, and sincere individual. He has a mild intellectual disability, and he reflects very openly about his condition. When Ola loses an important aspect of his life, he reflects on his existence and considers how he can become more self-reliant. It’s an impactful film that helps bridge the gap between ‘us’ and ‘them’, and it explores the importance of freedom of speech, specifically for individuals with disabilities. 
Here’s a link to the trailer for “Being Ola”.
Film #2 – “Stay”, a second film by the same filmmaker, will be shown on Tuesday, October 1, at 7:30 PM. It is a warm and highly respected documentary where we meet three adults whose lives are severely changed due to their dementia disease, and they are completely dependent on their surroundings, and their comprehension of the situation. In this life-giving movie the director plows deeply into the sad loss, as well as detecting moments of light and humor. 
Here’s a link to the trailer.