What is “the Prize”?
Each year, the laureate receives recognitions on the GTPP perpetual plaque, a specially designed medallion, a Certificate of Commendation, a unique glass artwork created especially for the GTPP by the Hilltop Artists in Residence of Tacoma, and a trip for two to Oslo, Norway, to participate in the events surrounding the Nobel Peace Prize.
The Nobel Peace Prize activities include the Award Ceremony, the CNN interview after the Ceremony, and the Nobel Peace Prize Concert. Click here to view the 2009 presentation of the Nobel Peace Prize to President Barack Obama.
In addition to taking part in the Nobel Peace Prize events, the GTPP laureate visits and meets with several peace-related organizations in Oslo, including the Norwegian Nobel Institute, the Nansen Center for Peace and Dialogue(located in Lillehammer), and the Oslo Center for Peace and Human Rights.

Laureate Medallion and Glass Prize

Many GTPP Laureates are invited to attend the Peace Prize ceremony in Oslo, Norway